Ruby on Rails Bootcamp: Why We Teach This Framework

App Academy’s campus-based full-time bootcamps will teach you everything you need to know about Ruby on Rails, providing you with the skillset you'll need to build websites and software from start to finish. With Ruby in your toolbox, you're sure to impress employers and bolster your own confidence as well.

Ruby on Rails: The Basics

Ruby on Rails can be a powerful skill to lean on as you pursue a career in full-stack development.

Ruby vs. Ruby on Rails

“Ruby” refers to the programming language, while “Ruby on Rails” or “Rails” refers to the framework that uses Ruby. When people refer to Ruby, Rails, and Ruby on Rails, however, they’re usually all talking about the same thing.

Ruby was created in 1995 by Yukihiro Matsumoto as an open-source language focused on simplicity. Ruby on Rails is based on Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. It’s a development framework that was written in Ruby.

Why Ruby on Rails is relevant today

While Ruby has been around for nearly 30 years, it’s still incredibly flexible and widely used in the industry, thanks to the stable framework of Ruby on Rails. There are dozens of websites and applications that were built with Ruby on Rails. Some of these include GitHub, Shopify, Soundcloud, Bloomberg, Airbnb, Basecamp, and more. Employers still look for developers with a Ruby programming certification, so it’s valuable to know.

How a Ruby bootcamp prepares you for a career in Software Engineering

Ruby and Ruby on Rails are easy to use, read and understand. Companies still use Ruby and want coders who do, too. One of the biggest upsides to knowing and using Ruby is that it’s intuitive. Developers often remark that Ruby feels natural when building apps and websites. It’s also easy to optimize, which means you don’t have to write as much code to still get powerful results. Other benefits of Ruby include:

It's open source

It’s structure is similar to English, so it’s easy to read and learn

It’s full MVC framework makes building applications fast and easy

How we teach Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a key part of the curriculum for our Campus-based Software Engineering Programs. Throughout these 16-week programs you’ll have plenty of hands-on time to work with Ruby and create real-world applications.

Ready to get started?

Apply to one of our Campus-Based Software Engineering Programs to add Ruby on Rails to your toolkit.

Benefits of a Ruby Bootcamp vs.

While both routes are viable options, we believe the structure, support and career guidance we offer as part of our Ruby Bootcamp, make it well worth the investment.

Ruby Bootcamp

Guidance & Direction
With a bootcamp, you’ll always know you’re headed in the right direction. We set just the right pace so you can grasp concepts quickly without falling behind.

Time period:
Ruby is taught as a part of the curriculum for our Campus-based Software Engineering Programs. These programs are 16 weeks long, excluding the job search period.

Other considerations:

A coding bootcamp like App Academy teaches you all the tools you need to know in order to take your coding skills from the classroom to a new career in Tech.


Complete at your own pace
If you teach yourself Ruby, you’ll have more freedom to learn on your own time, at your own pace. It might be harder, though, to catch and learn from your mistakes.

Time period:

Working at your own pace, you’ll learn Ruby on Rails at the rate you set for yourself. How fast you learn depends on how much you study.

Other considerations:

Learning to code on your own, the world is your oyster. However, it might be difficult to discern which skills will be most helpful in driving your career.

Explore Other Coding Languages
at App Academy

Our coding bootcamps dive into other high-demand coding languages that you’ll find useful in your new career.


Short for Cascading Style Sheets, CSS lets you tailor the appearance of your webpage. You can change and craft layouts, colors, and fonts as well as implement other style options. Along with HTML, CSS is one of the most important front-end languages.


A common and popular language, JavaScript is one of the easier ones to learn. This scripting language is critical for integrating user interaction into your site, and it excels at creating dynamic page functions.


This is the official Redux user interface (UI) binding library maintained by the official Redux team. It’s necessary to learn for those wanting to work with React applications.


Short for Cascading Style Sheets, CSS lets you tailor the appearance of your webpage. You can change and craft layouts, colors, and fonts as well as implement other style options. Along with HTML, CSS is one of the most important front-end languages.


Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a web-based markup language that tells browsers how to show images and text on websites. It’s how nearly every website on the internet displays information. For building websites, HTML and CSS are inseparable and both fundamental to programming.

Start your coding journey today

Learn Ruby on Rails and jump on the fast track to a new career in Tech.