How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

Coding for Beginners
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
July 24, 2023

Explore the time frame required to master Python, with a focus on the expected learning curve. This post provides insights into the duration of and strategies for learning Python effectively.

In an era where technology drives innovation, programming languages are quickly becoming as important as world languages. And what is one of the leading languages of the technology world? Python.

We’ll dissect the question that’s on every aspiring programmer’s mind: how long does it take to learn Python? Because while you can write your first simple program in just a couple minutes, learning the fundamentals and later mastering the language take time and commitment. Whether you’re looking to pivot your career, enhance your current skill set, or fuel a personal interest, understanding Python’s learning curve is key.

What is Python?

Recognized for its simplicity and versatility, Python is a high-level programming language that is interpreted and object-oriented, featuring dynamic semantics. What does all that mean? Let’s get into it.

Interpreted Programming Languages

Designed to be easy to write, an interpreted language is written line-by-line. It’s primarily executed as source code or bytecode through a dedicated machine. In addition to Python, other examples of interpreted languages include Ruby and Java.

The alternative type is called a compiled language. This refers to a language that is primarily compiled into machine code and executed natively by the CPU. Examples of compiled languages include C and C++.

Learn More: Ruby on Rails vs. Python

Object-Oriented Programming Languages (OOPL)

When it comes to programming languages, this means that the language represents the various elements of a problem as objects. These objects contain data and behavior. For example, your pet dog would fall into the class of “dog.” Her “objects” would be her name. Her “properties” may include her “leash” and her “method” would be “to go on a walk.”

Some characteristics of an OOPL include:

  • Object
  • Class
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism

Object-oriented programming is a fundamental component of many programming languages, including not only Python but also Java, C++, Ruby, and many others. It helps in creating modular code, as objects created from the same class will have the same methods and attributes, promoting code reuse and making code easier to maintain and understand.

Python is one of the most in-demand OOPLs in the world.

Dynamic Semantics

Dynamic semantics in programming is like a rulebook that tells a program how to act when it’s running. This includes things like how to handle variables or manage memory.

For example, if you’re coding in Python and you write a line like x = y + z, dynamic semantics first figures out what y + z equals, then puts that result into x. This changes the program’s current state, or the values it’s holding onto at that moment. So, when we talk about how a program is running, we’re really talking about its dynamic semantics.

The alternative is called static semantics, which are rules checked before the program runs, without actually running the program. This is like a pre-check to catch any mistakes in the code that could stop the program from running correctly.

Why Are Programming Languages Important to Learn?

While world languages allow us to communicate with each other verbally, programming languages allow us to effectively communicate with machines. Languages like Python, JavaScript, and C++ use classes and functions to define commands to technology through lines of code. When arranged, this code can be used to create anything from the simplest of one-page websites to full-fledged, AI-driven software programs.

Why Learn Python?

Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the job market today, making it a lucrative career opportunity, with Python programmer salaries as high as nearly $180,000. Other career options that use Python include developers, data scientists, AI engineers, data analysts, software engineers, full stack developers, financial analysts, and more.

Because it’s simple, versatile, and can be used for such a wide range of applications, Python is one of the first languages that beginner programmers often learn. The language is straightforward and readable, which helps those just learning to code to focus much of their effort on programming concepts rather than getting bogged down in code early on.

But these benefits are not only for newbies; advanced programmers love the simplicity and universality of Python. And with this comes a vast and incredibly supportive community of users that is always growing. The various forums are great for beginners to ask questions and experienced programmers are often eager to help.

And just as the language itself is open source, the community seems to have the same mindset, providing a strong culture for contribution and open communication. This community also offers countless resources for learning, including regular meetups and conferences like PyCon.

What Can You Do With Python?

Python’s capabilities are by no means limited by its simplicity. One of the most exciting things about it is that it features libraries that are relevant to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) developers. TensorFlow, for example, is widely used for deep learning where neural networks have millions of adjusting parameters.

But that’s just one application for Python. Its broad applicability means it can be used for web development, data analysis, automation and scripting, cybersecurity, web scraping, game development, educational programs, desktop applications, bioinformatics, and more.

Learn More: Is Python Good for AI and Machine Learning?

Jobs That Use Python

As mentioned earlier, there are many careers across diverse industries that require extensive Python knowledge to be successful. Below we’ve outlined some of the popular Python-related jobs and an example of a correlated responsibility.

Job TitlePython Use-Case Example Software Engineer Design, code, debug, and manage applications using programming languages, including Python.Data ScientistAnalyze and interpret complex data using data analysis libraries in Python to help inform decisions.AI/ML EngineerCreate predictive algorithms using Python libraries.Data AnalystCollect, clean, interpret, and visualize strategic data using Python.Full-Stack Web DeveloperDesign and build websites and apps using Python for scripting.BioinformaticianUse Python to manipulate bio-sequences and develop new algorithms to analyze and understand biological data.Systems AnalystDesign and implement information systems and analyze system performance with Python.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

The time to learn Python can be anywhere from a couple of months to several years. That is quite a range, so let us explain a few different factors that play into it.

  • One factor that affects the timeframe is the education path — whether you choose a coding bootcamp or a formal college education.
  • If you have prior knowledge of any coding language, you may learn Python much quicker than someone who is brand new to coding.
  • Your lifestyle, motivation, and how many hours you can dedicate to learning Python each week will also play into this.

That’s not everything, but you get the picture: there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning Python. Basic Python can often be learned within six months while mastering the language is something that may take several years and, in reality, is ongoing due to the evolution of the language.

Time to Learn Basic Python

Python fundamentals can be learned by the majority of people in between two to six months. This is the first step to beginning a career in Python development, or any other pathway that includes Python as a key skill set. Here are some of the Python basics you will learn as you start your education:

  • Variables
  • Types
  • Object and data structure
  • Functions
  • Comparison operations
  • Indexing and slicing
  • Reading and writing files
  • Web scraping
  • Lists, dictionaries, and tuples
  • Application programming interfaces (APIs)
  • For and while loops

Time to Become a Python Expert

Becoming an expert in Python is something that’s completely dependent on the individual. Those who can dedicate several hours per day versus those who only code on the weekends will likely have vastly different learning speeds, unless, of course, the weekend warrior is able to grasp concepts exceptionally fast while the daily student finds it more challenging and needs that extra time.

You may be someone to whom coding is second nature, or you may be someone who has to work at it. Add to this the fact that coding languages are always evolving, and you’ve got a language that you may never truly master, at least not for long. No matter which of those sounds more like you, anyone who is willing to dedicate the energy to learning to code can become a Python expert with time.

Is Python Hard to Learn?

Python is one of the easiest coding languages to learn, but that doesn’t make it simple for the average person. In reality, each of us learns differently and is able to grasp some concepts quickly, while other concepts take serious study.

Because of these individualistic components, learning Python will take time, patience, and practice. Even for those who are wondering how hard it is to learn Python without programming experience, rest easy that many successful developers and tech scientists started their Python education from scratch.

How to Learn Python Faster

In this rapidly evolving technological landscape, learning new skills quickly is more crucial than ever. This is particularly true in the realm of programming, where new languages, tools, and frameworks emerge at a breakneck pace. Among these, Python stands as one of the most versatile and sought-after languages, making the ability to learn it quickly a valuable asset.

Below we’ll explore four strategic tips and effective strategies to expedite your Python learning journey. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer looking to add another language to your repertoire, these tips can help accelerate your path to Python master.

Join a Coding Bootcamp

Coding bootcamps provide a structured, intensive curriculum that you can complete in a much shorter timeframe than conventional school. They include lectures, practical projects, and much more to help teach Python quickly. They are also known for their collaborative learning approach, often connecting you with peers to work together.

While there are potentially hundreds of coding bootcamps out there, far fewer will give you the education you need to become successful. There are a few key traits that the best coding bootcamps will have:

  • A collection of mixed reviews on Course Report, but most of them on the positive end. Too many positive reviews can indicate review buying whereas too many negative reviews indicates a bad program.
  • Published placement rates for graduates.
  • Multiple ways to pay, making it accessible by people in various financial situations. Things like scholarships and even open source education options play a factor.
  • Career help from staff, offering job support for students who have completed their training (this shows that the school truly believes in their program and students).
  • A regularly updated curriculum to stay up to speed with constantly changing technology.
  • A focus on education equity, ensuring that students from all walks of life can continue to learn and grow.

Find the Best Coding Bootcamp for You:

Get Hands-on Experience

A theoretical understanding of Python is one thing, but nothing can replace real-world experience. Working on real projects allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge and solidify your understanding. Plus, there are few things cooler than writing code and seeing something functional come out the other end.

Practice Every Day

Consistency is key to mastering any new skill, and Python is no exception. Regularly practicing will not only help you solidify your knowledge, but will help your brain retain the information. Make sure to flex your versatility muscles too by practicing various elements of the language.

Join a Python Community

The collaborative environment in the Python community makes it an epicenter for learning and getting support from more experienced developers. You may find mentorship, networking, and other great solutions that will help you when you get stuck while also supplying you with a continuous thread of new information.

Learn Python at App Academy

At App Academy, Python is an integral part of our curriculum. Our 24-week full-time and part-time online bootcamps provide comprehensive Python training. Our curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with extensive hands-on experience and connects you with developers of varying experience levels.

Your journey to mastering Python can start today. We delve into all areas of Python, from data structures and algorithms to web development and data science. This diverse training prepares you to apply your skills effectively in today’s job landscape. With App Academy, you’re not just learning Python; you’re preparing for a successful tech career.

Schedule a call with an App Academy admissions counselor to learn more about our programs. And, if you’re ready to dig in deeper, start exploring our programs to see which one might be a good fit for you!




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