Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Tech Career from Scratch

Tech Career Hub
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
August 15, 2024
people working on laptops at a table

Coding bootcamps offer career changers a fast, practical path to tech jobs. With focused training, career support, and hands-on projects, they provide the skills and connections needed to launch a new tech career.

The tech industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and rewarding sectors in the modern economy.

If you’re considering a career change or looking to enter the job market, the tech field offers a unique combination of opportunities, challenges, and benefits.

Follow this step-by-step guide for transitioning to a tech career if you’re ready to take the leap and make a choice that could positively impact the rest of your life. Whether you’re pivoting from another industry or coming out of a coding bootcamp, a bachelor’s degree program, or high school, it’s incredibly useful to know the exact steps to take to get a job in the tech industry.

Entry-level tech jobs aren’t always easy to come by, but this guide — used by thousands of App Academy grads — will help you find those coveted entry-level roles that will be the stepping stone into a long and fruitful tech career, even with no experience.

Keep reading to learn why the tech job market is so hot and what you can expect from following this guide.

Why are tech careers so in-demand?

Like any industry, tech has seen its share of ups and downs. Despite stories of layoffs and RIFs across tech organizations, careers in the industry are still wildly in demand: Sometimes more than 3-5x the national average demand for other career paths.

Tech careers are also in demand because of their unique perks, like:

1. Robust Job Market: The tech industry consistently outpaces other sectors in job growth. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. This translates to a wealth of job opportunities and increased job security.

2. Competitive Salaries: Tech jobs are known for their high-paying salaries. Even entry-level positions often offer salaries above the national average, with the potential for significant increases as you gain experience and skills.

3. Remote Work Opportunities: The tech industry has been at the forefront of the remote work revolution. Many tech roles offer the flexibility to work from home or anywhere in the world, providing a better work-life balance.

4. Continuous Learning and Growth: The fast-paced nature of technology means you'll always be learning new skills and working with cutting-edge tools. This constant evolution keeps the work engaging and helps you stay relevant in the job market.

5. Innovation and Impact: Tech careers often involve solving complex problems and creating products or services that can positively impact millions of lives. This sense of purpose and the opportunity to innovate can be highly fulfilling.

6. Diverse Career Paths: The tech industry offers a wide array of roles beyond just programming. From project management to UX design, data analysis to cybersecurity, there's likely a tech role that aligns with your interests and strengths.

7. Startup Opportunities: The tech sector is ripe with startup opportunities. Whether you want to join a young, growing company or eventually start your own, the tech industry provides fertile ground for entrepreneurship.

8. Transferable Skills: Many skills from other industries, such as problem-solving, communication, and project management, are highly valued in tech. This makes it easier for career changers to leverage their existing expertise.

Expected Outcomes of a Tech Career Transition

Starting a tech career with no experience isn’t for the faint of heart. If you are able to follow the guide, gain the necessary skill set for your chosen career path, and leverage your prior experience strategically, the road to transitioning careers will be a smooth one.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Increased Earning Potential: As you develop your skills and gain experience, you can expect significant salary growth. Many tech professionals see their earnings increase substantially within the first few years of their careers.
  • Job Stability: The high demand for coding skills and other tech acumen across industries provides a level of job security that's rare in today's economy.
  • Career Advancement Opportunities: The tech industry often offers clear career progression paths, from entry-level positions to senior roles and leadership opportunities.
  • Personal and Professional Growth: The constant need to learn and adapt in tech careers can lead to substantial personal and professional development.
  • Global Opportunities: Tech skills are in demand worldwide, potentially opening doors to international career opportunities.
  • Work on Cutting-Edge Projects: You'll have the chance to work with the latest technologies and be at the forefront of innovation.
  • Diverse Work Environments: From startups to large corporations, government agencies to non-profits, tech skills are needed everywhere, allowing you to choose a work environment that suits your preferences.

By transitioning to a tech career, you're not just changing jobs – you're opening the door to a world of opportunities, continuous growth, and the chance to shape the future through technology.

This guide will walk you through the steps to make this transition, even if you're starting from scratch with no prior tech experience. With dedication, the right approach, and persistent effort, you can successfully launch a rewarding career in the exciting world of technology.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning into a Tech Career

Step 1: Explore Tech Roles and Career Paths

Before diving in, it's essential to understand the various tech roles available:

  1. Software Developer/Software Engineer: Build and maintain software applications
  2. Web Developer: Create websites and web applications (front-end, back-end, full-stack)
  3. Data Analyst: Interpret complex data to inform business decisions
  4. Cybersecurity Specialist: Protect computer networks and systems
  5. Project Manager: Oversee tech projects and teams
  6. UX Designer: Design interfaces for software and websites to improve user experience
  1. Product Management: Oversee the development, strategy, and lifecycle of a product
  2. Programmer: Writes and tests code to create software, applications, or systems

Research these roles to find one that aligns with your interests and skills. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is an excellent resource for job outlook information.

💡 Social media is a powerful tool in your transition to tech. Read 14 Must-Know LinkedIn Tips for (Aspiring) Tech Professionals

Step 2: Assess Your Current Skills and Identify Gaps

Take inventory of your existing skills, including both technical and soft skills:

- Technical skills: Any coding, data analysis, or design experience

- Soft skills: Communication, problem-solving, teamwork

Identify which skills you need to develop for your chosen tech role. Many tech jobs require a combination of hard and soft skills, so don't underestimate the importance of transferable skills from your current career.

Step 3: Develop Your Technical Skills

There are several ways to acquire the necessary technical skills:

  1. Self-paced Platforms like App Academy Open offer courses in programming languages, web development, and other tech topics affordably or for free.
  2. Coding Bootcamps: Intensive, short-term programs that teach practical skills for specific tech roles.
  3. College Courses: Computer science or information technology courses are sometimes offered at a local college.

Focus on in-demand skills and frameworks such as:

- Programming languages: Python, JavaScript, Java, C++

- Web technologies: HTML, CSS, React, Angular

- Database management: SQL

- Version control: Git and GitHub

- Cloud computing: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud

Step 4: Earn Relevant Certifications

Certifications can validate your skills and make you more attractive to employers. Some popular certifications include:

- CompTIA A+ for entry-level IT positions

- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner for cloud computing

- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) for cybersecurity

Research which certifications are most valuable for your chosen career path.

Step 5: Build a Portfolio

Create projects that showcase your skills:

1. Develop a personal website

2. Contribute to open-source projects on GitHub

3. Create small applications or tools that solve real-world problems

4. Participate in coding challenges or hackathons

Your portfolio demonstrates your abilities to potential employers and helps you stand out from other candidates.

💡 See also: How to Put Together the Ultimate Programmer Portfolio to Apply for Jobs

Step 6: Gain Practical Experience

Even without formal work experience, you can gain hands-on experience:

1. Internships: Look for entry-level internships or tech apprenticeships to hone your new skills.

2. Freelance work: Offer your services on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr.

3. Volunteer: Help local non-profits or small businesses with their tech needs.

4. Personal projects: Continue building and improving your own projects.

Step 7: Network and Build Connections

Networking is crucial in the tech industry:

  • Attend tech meetups and conferences
  • Join online communities like Stack Overflow or Reddit's programming subreddits
  • Participate in hackathons or coding competitions
  • Connect with tech professionals on LinkedIn
  • Find a mentor in your desired field

Building relationships can lead to job opportunities and valuable advice from experienced professionals.

Step 8: Optimize Your Job Search

When you're ready to apply for jobs:

  • Tailor your resume to highlight relevant skills and projects
  • Craft a compelling cover letter for each application
  • Use job boards specific to tech (e.g., Stack Overflow Jobs, GitHub Jobs)
  • Set up job alerts on LinkedIn and other job sites
  • Reach out to recruiters specializing in tech placements

Focus on entry-level positions or roles that specifically welcome career changers.

💡 See also: 5 Must-Haves on An Entry-Level Software Engineer Resume

Step 9: Prepare for Technical Interviews

Tech interviews often include coding challenges and technical questions. To prepare start by practicing coding problems on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank.

Review fundamental computer science concepts, but be prepared to explain your thought process while solving problems. You can also practice mock interviews with peers or mentors.

Step 10: Consider Alternative Entry Points

If you're struggling to land a full-time position in your desired career path, consider these alternatives:

1. Help desk or IT support roles

2. Quality Assurance (QA) testing

3. Technical writing

4. Sales or customer support for tech products

These positions can provide valuable experience and potentially lead to more advanced roles.

Step 11: Continue Learning and Growing

The tech industry evolves rapidly, so continuous learning is essential. Start by staying updated with industry news and trends and regularly updating your skills through online courses or workshops. Attending tech conferences and webinars is a great way to expand your network and continue learning relevant skills.

Why Coding Bootcamps Are Ideal for Career Changers

For individuals looking to pivot into tech without prior experience, coding bootcamps offer a unique and highly effective path. These intensive programs have emerged as a powerful tool for career transitioners, providing a blend of accelerated learning and practical skill development that's hard to match through traditional education routes.

At the heart of the bootcamp model is the concept of rapid skill acquisition. These programs condense years of learning into a few months of intensive training, allowing career changers to quickly gain job-ready skills. The curricula are carefully crafted with input from tech companies, ensuring students learn the most in-demand, up-to-date technologies. This focus on practical, applicable skills means bootcamp graduates often enter the job market with a robust portfolio of real-world projects, demonstrating their abilities to potential employers.

Beyond technical skills, many bootcamps offer comprehensive career support services. From resume reviews and interview preparation to job placement assistance, these programs are designed to not just teach coding, but to launch careers. Some bootcamps even maintain relationships with tech companies, creating direct hiring pipelines for their graduates.

The bootcamp experience also offers valuable networking opportunities. Students learn alongside other career changers, building relationships that can be beneficial throughout their tech careers. Many bootcamps boast strong alumni networks and industry connections, further expanding the opportunities available to graduates.

💡 See also: This Coding Bootcamp Offers Both Tech Training and Job Placement

For those concerned about the time and financial investment required to transition careers, bootcamps present an attractive alternative to traditional computer science degrees. The shorter duration and lower cost make them accessible to a wider range of career changers who may not have the luxury of committing to years of full-time study.

The hands-on learning environment of bootcamps is another key advantage. By emphasizing learning through doing, these programs help students retain information more effectively and develop the problem-solving skills crucial in tech roles. This practical approach extends to soft skills development as well, with many bootcamps incorporating training in teamwork, communication, and project management - all essential in tech careers.

Flexibility is another hallmark of many bootcamp programs. With options for part-time or online learning, career changers can often pursue their tech education while maintaining current jobs or other commitments. This accessibility has helped numerous individuals successfully transition into tech roles, with many bootcamps boasting impressive job placement rates at major tech companies.

While bootcamps require intense dedication and hard work, they provide a structured, supportive environment for rapid skill development. For career changers eager to break into tech quickly, a well-chosen bootcamp can be the ideal launchpad into this exciting industry. However, it's crucial to research thoroughly, read alumni reviews, and check job placement rates to find a program that best fits individual goals and learning styles. With the right bootcamp experience, career changers can confidently enter the tech industry armed with job-ready skills and a network to support their new journey.

Transition into your new tech career with App Academy

Starting a tech career from scratch requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn. By following this guide and consistently working on your skills, you can successfully transition into the exciting and rewarding world of technology. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and with determination and the right approach, you can build a fulfilling career in tech.

As mentioned above, coding bootcamps are often the most flexible and linear path to landing your first role on your new career path. App Academy was one of the first coding bootcamps on the market, and we’ve continued to deliver value for over a decade. With more than 5,000 graduates, world-class curriculum, and unmatched outcomes, App Academy is a natural and often a first choice for those starting their tech career transition with little or even no experience.

Click here to learn more about App Academy.


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