How to Learn Python for Beginners (2023 Step-by-Step Guide)

Coding for Beginners
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
October 24, 2023
man by computer holding a sticky note that says python

Learning Python can be a great step in leveling up your coding knowledge, but what’s the best or the fastest way to learn Python? Here’s our tips and tricks for learning Python.

Both experienced coders and absolute beginners love Python — for a multitude of reasons. Here, we’ll discuss what Python is, how to start learning it, and where you can go once you have.

What is Python?

Python is a popular programming language used to create software, solve problems, build applications, and automate tasks. It's well-loved by established and beginner programmers alike for its easy-to-read syntax. Python is versatile enough to be used across a variety of fields, including web development and data analysis. 

Why Learn Python?

Python is a beginner-friendly programming language that's versatile and widely used. Learning Python opens doors to new opportunities and helps solve problems efficiently.

Why Python is So Popular

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. We recommend Python as a first coding language to our students. Why?

  • Python programmers are in high demand: Companies need skilled Python developers because Python is widely used in web development, artificial intelligence (AI), and more. Learning Python opens up job opportunities and offers stability in a rapidly evolving tech market.
  • Python is versatile: Python can be used for a wide range of tasks, including data analysis, scientific computing, and automation. Its simplicity and extensive libraries make it flexible enough to tackle different projects and switch between areas of interest.
  • Python is fast-growing: Python's popularity has skyrocketed in recent years. Its straightforward syntax and readability make it accessible to beginners, while its power and scalability attract experienced programmers. The growing demand for Python tools and frameworks ensures continuous development and innovation.
  • Python has a large and supportive community: Python has a vibrant and helpful community of developers. Online forums, tutorials, and resources are plentiful, making it easier for beginners to learn and get assistance. The community also contributes to an extensive collection of open-source libraries, frameworks, and modules, allowing you to leverage existing code and accelerate your projects.

Python Use Cases

What is Python used for? This is just a small sample of how Python is used every day across fields and industries.

  • Machine learning and AI: Python is the go-to language for developing machine learning (ML) models and artificial intelligence systems. It enables tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. 
  • Web development: Python's frameworks, like Django and Flask, make it easy to build websites and web applications. Python's simplicity and versatility make it popular for developers creating dynamic web experiences. 
  • Software development: Python is often used in software development. It offers many libraries and tools, making it suitable for developing desktop applications, command-line tools, and automation scripts. 
  • Game development: In game development, Python is often used for tasks like scripting, game logic, and prototyping. Popular game development frameworks like Pygame provide the necessary tools for creating 2D games. 
  • Data analysis: Python is extensively used for data analysis and manipulation. Libraries like Pandas and NumPy enable professionals to process, explore, and visualize large datasets. Data analysts and data scientists often rely on Python for extracting insights and making data-driven decisions.
  • Scientific computing: Python enables researchers to perform complex calculations, simulations, and data visualization. Libraries like SciPy and Matplotlib provide powerful tools for scientific computations and plotting.

Learning Python from Scratch Step-by-Step

There are many ways to approach your Python journey. Choosing the right method depends on personal preferences, learning style, budget, and time availability. Consider factors like interactivity, pace of learning, support, and your motivation level.

1. Choose a Learning Method

When learning Python (or any coding language), there are various methods to choose from. Here are some common ones:

Online Courses

Online courses are usually structured and may include video lessons, exercises, and quizzes. Some pros of online courses include:

  • Flexibility to learn at your own pace
  • Interactive exercises
  • Support forums

But online courses might not be for everyone. Some cons to consider:

  • They can be expensive
  • May lack personal interaction
  • Require self-discipline

Coding Bootcamps

Coding bootcamps are intensive, immersive programs that teach coding skills in a condensed period. Some advantages of coding bootcamps include:

  • An immersive learning environment
  • Hands-on projects that you can use to build your portfolio
  • Mentorship and career counseling 

But there are some other factors to keep in mind that might be considered disadvantages:

  • High cost (although still less than a bachelor’s or master’s degree
  • Time commitment that may require quitting other responsibilities for the duration of the program


Books that explain methodologies for learning Python can provide a comprehensive and structured approach to learning. They also:

  • Provide in-depth explanations
  • Allow for self-paced learning
  • Serve as valuable reference material

However, not everyone will find books to be the most successful learning approach. Books also:

  • Lack interactivity
  • Only offer limited feedback (if any at all)
  • May not be as engaging for visual learners

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials on platforms like YouTube offer step-by-step demonstrations of coding concepts. They can be great for people who value:

  • Visual and auditory learning experience
  • Free or low-cost options
  • A diverse range of tutorial styles available for your learning method 

But they still aren’t necessarily perfect. When it comes to online video tutorials, they might:

  • Vary in the quality and reliability of content 
  • Lack a structured curriculum
  • Provide limited interactivity (if any)

It's often helpful to combine multiple methods to enhance your learning experience. For example, start with an online course for structured learning, supplement it with books for reference, and seek additional guidance from video tutorials.

2. Create a Study Plan

Creating a study plan will help you learn Python efficiently. A study plan helps you stay organized, focused, and accountable. Depending on your learning method, a study plan may be provided, or entirely up to you to create.

  • If you're following an online course or attending a bootcamp, a study plan might already be outlined for you, indicating what topics are covered and when.
  • If you're learning independently through books, video tutorials, or other resources, you can create your own study plan.

Here are some tips for creating a study plan:

  • Set specific goals
  • Allocate time for learning
  • Break down the material into manageable chunks
  • Establish a routine, which is important for consistency and retention
  • Cover all the necessary topics while ensuring you have enough time to practice
  • Consider your schedule, commitments, and learning style
  • Determine how many hours per day or week you can dedicate to learning Python
  • Allow yourself time to grasp each concept before moving on
  • Be adaptable and open to adjusting your plan as needed

Remember that learning even a straightforward programming language like Python takes time and effort. While a study plan can help optimize your learning, be realistic about your goals and set a pace that works for you. 

3. Build on Your Python Skills

Practicing and continually building on your coding skills will help you master Python and any other programming language you choose to learn. It's important to have a solid understanding of beginner concepts before diving into intermediate and advanced topics.

Beginner concepts serve as the foundation upon which more complex ideas are built. They introduce fundamental programming concepts, syntax, and problem-solving techniques. By practicing these basics, you develop a strong understanding of how Python works and gain confidence in writing code.

Once you've grasped the beginner concepts, you can gradually progress to intermediate topics. This is where you start exploring more advanced features, data structures, and algorithms. 

Practicing is key to reinforcing your skills and retaining what you've learned. Regular coding exercises, projects, and challenges help solidify your understanding of concepts and improve problem-solving abilities. Applying your knowledge in practical scenarios will give you valuable experience and a deeper understanding of Python's capabilities.

How to Learn Python Faster

Learning anything new can take time and patience. But if you’re ready to learn at a more accelerated pace, try these methods.

Join a Program or Bootcamp

As we mentioned briefly above, bootcamps are condensed learning environments that teach a lot of material in a short amount of time. They provide an immersive and structured learning experience to help you learn faster and more efficiently.

Bootcamps focus specifically on coding skills. They offer a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential concepts and practical applications of Python. In a short time, you'll be exposed to a wide range of topics and gain a solid foundation in programming.

Bootcamps often have experienced instructors and mentors who guide you through the learning journey. They provide personalized feedback, answer questions, and offer support, ensuring you stay on the right track and grasp the concepts effectively.

The immersive nature of bootcamps allows you to fully immerse yourself in learning Python. At App Academy, for example, students work on real-world coding challenges and build practical applications with partners and in groups. Collaborating with peers and participating in group projects expands your professional network and teaches you the skills you’ll need in your future career as a programmer.

Take Every Opportunity for Hands-On Experience

Getting hands-on experience with Python, particularly by working on specific projects, can greatly accelerate your learning process. The practical application of your new skills allows you to apply the concepts you've learned, reinforcing your understanding and improving your skills. As you tackle different problems, you'll learn to break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, strengthening your problem-solving skills.

Projects also provide an opportunity to experiment and explore. You can try different approaches, test new ideas, and gain a sense of creativity and independence in your coding. This freedom allows you to go beyond following tutorials and textbooks, fostering a deeper connection with the language and boosting your learning.

Moreover, working on projects exposes you to practical considerations such as code organization, documentation, and collaboration. These aspects mimic real-world development scenarios and help you build good coding practices early on.

Join Coding Communities

Be part of a Python community. You can ask questions, seek guidance, and share challenges and successes. The community can help you troubleshoot issues, offer solutions, and provide valuable insights. Collaborating with others in problem-solving fosters a supportive and motivating environment.

Common Python FAQs

What else do you need to know before starting your path to learning Python?

How Do I Get a Job Using Python?

To increase your chances of getting a job using Python, focus on building a portfolio of projects that showcase your skills and abilities. Create practical applications or solve coding challenges to demonstrate your understanding. 

Additionally, prepare for tech/whiteboard interviews by practicing coding problems and algorithms. Familiarize yourself with common interview questions and practice explaining your thought process. Continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and networking with professionals can also help you land a job in Python development.

Am I Too Young or Too Old to Learn Python?

You’re never too old or too young to learn Python! It’s beginner-friendly and suitable for learners of all ages. With enthusiasm and dedication, anyone can start learning Python and enjoy the benefits of learning to code.

Is Python Only for Beginners?

Python is for more than just beginners. Even though it’s beginner-friendly and a common first coding language, seasoned coders can benefit from Python's simplicity, readability, and vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. 

Is Python Hard to Learn?

That depends on various factors, such as your learning style, prior experience, and dedication. Python is considered one of the more beginner-friendly programming languages due to its readable syntax and extensive documentation. With the right resources and practice, it can be an accessible language to grasp. However, like any new skill, it requires time, effort, and patience. Some concepts might initially seem challenging, but with persistence and a growth mindset, Python can become more manageable and enjoyable to learn.

Learn Python at App Academy

At AppAcademy, you’ll not only learn Python – you’ll learn how to become a software engineer. Our bootcamps and App Academy Open are designed to teach you the coding languages you need to know and help you prepare for interviews and land a job in the world of tech.

Take our online quiz to learn which program is right for you, sign up for a live online info session to learn more, schedule a 1:1 call with one of our team experts, or submit a request with our convenient online form. Start your software engineering career today with App Academy!


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