How Fast Can You Learn JavaScript?

Coding for Beginners
Written by:
App Academy
Published on:
August 8, 2023

Explore the timeline and factors that influence how long it takes to master JavaScript, a popular programming language. This post provides insights into the learning process and what to expect.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that’s fairly easy to understand and execute. That’s why, along with Python, it’s one of the first programming languages that novices often learn.

This language is used primarily for web pages and provides interactivity and dynamic elements that can’t be achieved with HTML or CSS alone. While HTML and CSS provide browsers with direction for how to display a website through defined characteristics like the header, descriptions, etc., while JavaScript executes real-time features that update without a visitor having to refresh their browser. Two of the most common examples you may have come across on the web are interactive maps and scrolling videos.

JavaScript is also well known for its versatility. It can run in a browser, on a server, or on virtually any device that has a JavaScript engine.

How Does JavaScript Compare to Other Programming Languages?

Like other languages, JavaScript has variables, operators, data types, and functions. However, its dynamic and loosely typed nature sets it apart. It’s similar to languages like Python in its simplicity and readability, but differs in the way it handles object-oriented programming. In some aspects, JavaScript is similar to Ruby in its object handling and function closures.

Here is a list of five popular coding languages and their primary characteristics to help you differentiate:

LANGUAGECHARACTERISTICSJavaScriptDynamic, loosely typed, uses a prototype modelPythonHigh-level, interpreted, supports multiple coding paradigmsRubyDynamic, reflective, supports multiple coding paradigmsJavaObject-oriented, class-based, designed to be portable across platformsC++Low-level, compiled, supports multiple coding paradigms

Why Learn JavaScript?

JavaScript is not just another programming language — it’s a key driver of the modern web. This crucial communicator adds dynamic, interactive elements to otherwise static HTML pages. As to why you should learn it? Here are several benefits to knowing JavaScript.

What Can You Do With JavaScript?

From building interactive websites to developing complex web applications, JavaScript is everywhere. Its role in front-end development is well known, but with the advent of Node.js, JavaScript has also established a strong presence in back-end development. It’s used to create real-time network applications, browser-based games, and even develop mobile applications with frameworks like React Native.

With JavaScript, you can also:

  • Add interactivity to a website to make it more UX and UI friendly
  • Update and change HTML and CSS
  • Create dynamically updating content
  • Calculate, manipulate, and validate data
  • Animate images and create 2D and 3D graphics
  • Control multimedia
  • Build comprehensive, database-driven apps
  • Build games

Learn More: What is JavaScript Used For?

Jobs That Use JavaScript

In today’s digital world, JavaScript is important for many careers, including software engineering. It’s used in front-end web development, back-end development, full-stack development, and mobile app development. It’s also crucial in fields like data science and machine learning, thanks to libraries like TensorFlow.js. Website administrators, quality assurance, and many more programming-related jobs also use JavaScript regularly.

That makes JavaScript especially important to learn for anyone looking to enter the field of programming, no matter the particular specialty. This also means there’s a lot of opportunity for those who have experience in JavaScript, giving you many career options and companies to choose from.

In addition to that, JavaScript programming can be a lucrative career choice, with salaries hovering between $130,000–$168,000, depending on your location.

JavaScript Popularity

Consistently remaining among the top developer languages, JavaScript is one of the best coding languages for developers to learn. Its ubiquitous nature means that there are continuous updates and developments of new frameworks and libraries, not to mention the large supportive community.

Cross-Platform Development

When paired with platforms such as React Native, JavaScript can be used to develop applications for nearly any platform. Windows, iOS, MacOS, Linux, and Android are all compatible with this code language, which means you have a broader range of job opportunities and the kinds of projects you can take on when you know JavaScript.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)

Although Python is the dominant language used in AI, JavaScript is making inroads to AI and machine learning through libraries like TensorFlow.js and Synaptic.js. This additional knowledge can give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs.

Freelancing Opportunities

Because it’s used so widely, JavaScript knowledge allows you to take advantage of the high demand for developers in the freelance space. Individuals and companies of all sizes will contract with freelance JavaScript developers for one-off and ongoing projects. Bonus: this helps you build your programming portfolio. Or you can even turn JavaScript freelancing into your own business.

Classes Are Affordable (and Sometimes Free)

Learning JavaScript has never been more accessible, with an abundance of resources available online including tutorials, video courses, documentation, bootcamps, and more. There are even dedicated JavaScript classes that are free (or very affordable).

How Long Does it Take to Learn JavaScript?

Wondering “How long will it take to learn JavaScript?” There are many factors that influence the time investment from one individual to another. For example, those with prior coding knowledge will likely learn faster than someone who has never written a line of code in their life.

Let’s look deeper into the factors that affect how long it takes to learn JavaScript below.

Past Experience

Coders with prior experience, whether self-taught or with a formal education, will often pick up a new programming language quickly. Given that JavaScript is known for being one of the simpler languages out there, experienced individuals can often pick it up within just a few weeks and have a solid foundation of knowledge within a couple of months.

Those who are brand new to the tech world, however, may have more of a learning curve to start. If this is your first coding language (or even your first coding experience, period), it will often take longer to grasp the concepts prior to learning JavaScript itself.


Your method of learning will also play into how fast you can learn JavaScript. A coding bootcamp like App Academy may take just 24 weeks if you enroll in our full-time online immersive program, whereas an institutionalized education at a college or university would be four years (or more) for a degree. Self-teaching through free online resources is also an option, and then duration depends entirely on how much time you dedicate to learning.

Explore Your Options:


Time and motivation are other big factors. Of course, the more free time you have to devote to learning JavaScript, the faster you’ll be able to pick it up. Someone who can commit to a full-time program will have constant structured learning, whereas part-timers may only be able to dedicate a few hours per week.

Personal Learning Style

Your learning style and skills will also be a contributor. Some people naturally pick up technical concepts and can memorize code quickly, whereas others require dedicated study to do so.

Is JavaScript Hard to Learn?

JavaScript is not a particularly complex coding language to learn. It’s forgiving, has flexible syntax, and interprets language that distills complex code into smaller pieces for ease of writing.

But just like the factors that affect the speed of learning, your personal learning style and education will greatly affect how hard JavaScript is for you to learn.

How to Learn JavaScript Faster

The faster you can code with JavaScript, the faster you can get to your ultimate goals. Whether those are to become a programmer or data scientist, to design games, to build a coding business, or simply to keep your knowledge current, learning JavaScript fast is high on the priority list. Here are some key strategies that can help accelerate your JavaScript education.

Join a Coding Bootcamp

Online bootcamps are a great way to immerse yourself in the language without having the expense or time commitment of a four-year college. In fact, coding bootcamps are typically only around 6-months long. The intensive and comprehensive curriculum combined with focused coursework, hands-on projects, and collaboration with peers gives you a well-rounded understanding of JavaScript and other coding concepts and modalities.

Gain Hands-On Experience

Nothing can replace real life, hands-on experience. The various problems and scenarios provided in the real world will quickly expand your JavaScript knowledge and help you think outside of the box. Trying out diverse projects is key here as well so you can experience everything from a simple calculator build to a complex application.

Practice Every Day

As with most new skills, practice is crucial to ensure recollection and reinforcement of what you’ve learned. Regularly coding daily or several times a week will help keep the information fresh in your mind.

Join a JavaScript Community

The JavaScript community is incredibly vast and supportive, and we highly recommend that anyone looking to fast track their JavaScript training finds a community to join.

You can find the most popular online JavaScript communities below:

  • Stack Overflow
  • GitHub
  • Reddit
  • JavaScript on Slack
  • MDN Web Docs’ JavaScript Guide

Aside from virtual communities, you can attend meetups or conventions to connect with the community. Events like JSConf travel the globe and include a variety of exciting speakers and presentations.

Learn JavaScript at App Academy

At App Academy, we offer a comprehensive JavaScript curriculum, incorporated into both our 24-week full-time online coding bootcamp and part-time online bootcamp. We provide structured learning, real-world projects, and a supportive learning environment to help you learn JavaScript faster, without sacrificing the quality of the curriculum.

We aim to equip you with the skills needed to take your career to the next level. Whether your goal is to land a gig in front-end, back-end, full-stack, or mobile app development, mastering JavaScript with us can help you achieve your career goals.

Schedule a call with an App Academy admissions counselor to learn more about our programs. And, if you’re ready to dig in deeper, start exploring our programs to see which one might be a good fit for you!




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